Work Wherever Podcast
We spend over 72% of our lives either sitting in traffic, at work or asleep. This begs the question, of are we actually living if the two-thirds majority of our lives are spent not living the life the way we choose to? We are going to push to disrupt the 5 day work week, to innovate a way of doing business and to survival. Let’s make changes in something established, amend the “normal” and introduce new methods, ideas, products and standards to ensure that our lives are taken back. Let’s explore technology, life and the world together and forever change the way we define the Modern Business Culture.

Friday Dec 18, 2020
Why Kill Santa? Do you really need the credit?
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
The Santa Spotlight is something that people have been debating in recent years. This idea that Santa shouldn’t get all the credit for gifts because it promotes the idea that the parents didn’t work hard for the gifts, and instead spotlights some unknown magic where the children are instead ungrateful to their parents.
As projects and years come to a close there are two ways we can approach the end of Quarter and the end of year. One, we can grab for each bit of credit, after all as business owners, managers and entrepreneurs – isn’t credit due to those in charge?
Or we can do what a good manager and leaders do – and give the credit to the magic of the team, the company – the metaphorical Santa.
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Monday Dec 14, 2020
Ep. 204 Getting Better Everyday with Katrina Ghazarian
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Katrina Ghazarian is the CEO of Gameday HR and a strategic Advisor for the Professional Collegiate League. You may have seen her Tedx Talk “If you can’t Beat them, Join them, Then Beat them” on women occupying C-suite positions. She has been nominated as CEO of the Year by LA Business Journal in Gameday HRs first year in business.
sports and your ties and what it taught you
climbing the corporate ladder, in male dominated industries
#GirlBoss, #BossBabe
Workplace mindset during a remote world
Advice you would tell younger you
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Friday Dec 11, 2020
What are EPICs? Tackling Your Year End Goals
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
What are EPICs and why should we care?
With 2020 coming to an end it is time to look forward to 2021 and all the glory it has to offer us. A promise of new beginnings, new goals and new accomplishments. But now is the time to make those goals and write them down. Without documentation of the goals and the EPIC quest we are about to take on, how can we possibly know what to take on each day? Before we right a single daily planner for 2021, we first need to define what we want to do and have accomplished this time next year.
Let's break down EPICs, how to define them and how to set up ourselves for success.
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Monday Dec 07, 2020
202: Being More Human with Guest Hernan Sias of the Business Bros Podcast
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Hernan Sias is the host of The Business Bros Podcast with a goal to help you create wealth today and generational wealth for tomorrow by effectively adding insurance in to your existing business and through the power of podcasting, helping you take control of your branding and marketing. Hernan Sias.
Road to entrepreneurship
What does financial freedom mean to you
Jack of all trades – building to your purpose
Critique our advice? Importance of feedback
Why a Podcast?
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Friday Dec 04, 2020
Hate to Lose, or Love to Win?
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Are you Hate to Lose or Love to win?
There are generally two different types of people in this world, especially in competition, and those people are either you love to win and are driven by winning, the feelings or winning – celebration and the feelings of accomplishments in your life, or you hate to lose and you are driven by the absolute hate of the feeling of gut check, disappointment and anger of missed opportunity.
While no matter your drive competition sits in all of us. While some people will claim to say that “they’re not competitive” – they’re in fact lying. It’s in our nature to be competitive, that’s the feeling of jealousy when your brother or sister gets more attention than you from your parents when you were younger, when your best friend gets a better Christmas present or gets the present you wanted, it’s the feeling when someone scored better than you on a quiz you busted your ass on – and the obvious – it’s the feeling you get when someone else is attempting to take something from you.
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Monday Nov 30, 2020
Ep. 133 The Tactical Mind with guest Nick Fuller
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Nick Fuller studied sport psychology at West Virginia University and a Masters from the California University of PA in the same field. Nick went on to work with the United States Army working with Army Rangers, Tankers, Apache and Blackhawk Pilots, and Infantrymen helping to increase their resilience and become battle-ready. Nick helps took what he taught soldiers and now helps student-athletes from many different sports increase their mental game to separate themselves from the competition, as CEO of The Tactical Mind.
You talk about your lack of mental strength in your own journey, elaborate
Your time in working with the military and what it taught you
From Soldiers to Athletes, what is the biggest hurdle in mental preparation?
What is a Corporate Athlete?
Celebrating success, cohesive team foundations – in a remote world?
Contact Nick:
The Tactical Mind LLC:

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Ep 132: Tell Your Story with guest Marc Halpert
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Marc W. Halpert is a self-described “multi-preneur.” leaving the corporate finance world in 2001, Marc has started 3 companies, all of which he still operates. In 2010 he started his third company, connect2collaborate, to spread his LinkedIn and networking evangelism to train and coach others. He offers professionals the opportunity to better explain their brand and positioning on their to tell their story.
Leaving the corporate finance world
Why Linkedin?
Breaking the mindset of not talking about yourself
Encore careers and reprogramming yourself
How to find your next calling
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Friday Nov 20, 2020
Accountability & Trust, the Modern Chicken or the Egg
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Let’s talk about accountability. Accountability is defined as the fact or condition of being responsible – meaning to take responsibility of something and taking ownership. It’s defined as a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone – for instance I am responsible for my children and am accountable for their actions in public and in the grocery store.
We have to understand that we have to be able to act independently and make decisions without authorization. And if we can not do that, if we can not learn to do the right thing when no one is watching the problem is not with someone else – it is with ourselves.
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Monday Nov 16, 2020
131: Take the Leap with Guest Anthony Hammond
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Anthony Hammond is a Dad, an Entrepreneur, an Investor and a Mentor.
He is the Founder & CEO of Redfox Apps, an App Development Company that he built from scratch to 7 figures in less than 12 months.
He is the Founder & CEO of The DOWORK Foundation, a Business Coaching Company which helps Entrepreneurs identify, market & build out multiple 6+ figure businesses.
Anthony is also the founder of SWAGGA Apparel, an Australian sports apparel brand.
Show Topics
Building a business and being a dad
What is entrepreneurship like abroad?
Unfamiliar and taking risks, the mental aspect to it
Finding happiness in Business and a life balance
Overcoming adversity, and using it to find your purpose
How important is community in entrepreneurship
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Friday Nov 13, 2020
You Can't Find Purpose - My Origin Story
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
I noticed that I have not been fully transparent on this podcast, and for that I apologize. I have talked about my background with guests on the show, but not given you the full story of who I am and where I have been – that’s pretty much podcast 101, so today I am going to hit the reset button and start over. Consider this my trailer episode that never was. The origin story of a boy who never grew up and still calls himself a lost boy – bangarang by the way.
Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in 50 years. 50 YEARS. A COVID Response Tracking Study, conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. It finds that just 14% of American adults say they're very happy, down from 31% who said the same in 2018. “It’s been one thing after another,” a woman named Walker said, when asked. “This is very hard. The worst thing about this for me, after so much, I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
That's the point! None of us know what's going to happen. Get out of your comfort zones, this idea that you are in any way in charge of the world. Pull up your bridges and get over yourself.