Work Wherever Podcast
We spend over 72% of our lives either sitting in traffic, at work or asleep. This begs the question, of are we actually living if the two-thirds majority of our lives are spent not living the life the way we choose to? We are going to push to disrupt the 5 day work week, to innovate a way of doing business and to survival. Let’s make changes in something established, amend the “normal” and introduce new methods, ideas, products and standards to ensure that our lives are taken back. Let’s explore technology, life and the world together and forever change the way we define the Modern Business Culture.

Monday Nov 09, 2020
129: The Servant Mindset with Guest Tara Oldridge
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Tara Oldridge believes that every woman has a powerful, profitable and impactful business inside of them that God has called them to create. She is the creator of Vision to Business, a 2-day workshop for women who have a deep sense they were made for more that helps them find a clear strategy and create a committed action plan so they can finally build an impactful business they love. Host of Entrepreneur Magazine’s "TOP 20 Podcast to listen to in 2020”, (The Smart Woman Show).
Show Notes:
The key communication skills - connection, confidence, rigor, presentation, appearance
connections and why they are vital for your personal and professional growth
Establishing your purpose by aligning your thoughts, words, actions with your calling
showing women how to create and grow a profitable business is what she does.
Peeling back the layers and getting past old stories that are keeping you stuck
Finding your tribe, transition from group to self focus
Getting in touch with Tara:
Facebook Group:

Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Mari Molege Van Heerden is a South African TV Star, Producer and Co-Star of the upcoming horror film “The Heks” we are also joined by Coco Lloyd who is an LA Based actress and star of the upcoming same upcoming film, the movie centres on a grieving British girl who tries to unravel her murdered mother’s secrets that are connected to south Africa and is set to be released in American Studios and video on demand December 15th.
Your stories and road to film
How you broke through and the mindset necessary to work in film
Why horror?
What is the best lesson that you learned through your journey
Favorite Halloween stories/movies
Watch the Film:
Film Website:
News about the film:
Connect with the Stars:
Mari :

Monday Oct 26, 2020
127: Finding S.A.D.N.E.S.S. with guest Corporate Bro
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Ross Pomerantz is originally from Atlanta Ga and later moved to the San Francisco Bay area. A former independent baseball pitcher and Stanford Business graduate, Ross has built a comedy persona known only as Corporate Bro. His internet fans have describe him “only kinda funny” and “fine if you’re super-bored.” Welcome into the Inovare Podcast, Corp.
Discussion Topics
Tell me about your background and growing a t ball star
Did sports help prepare you for the “real world”?
What led you into comedy?
In starting corp. bro you snuck into offices?
How has it evolved?
You are a non-traditional entrepreneur – in starting out, where did you look to for guidance
If you weren’t playing baseball (in advertising?)
Tell me about Unsubscribe and what you have going on now
Rapid Fire:
Favorite TV Show
Favorite baseball movie
What animal what would you be?
Title of the last book you read
Most played song on your iPhone
Pancakes or waffles
Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones
Connect with Corporate:

Monday Oct 19, 2020
126: The Map is not the Terrain with Guest Jim Vasconcellos
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Jim Vasconcellos is a Senior Consultant with over 25 years of hands-on experience in strategic planning, business development, project management, technology implementation, process design, and development of programs to leverage technology for organizational change. Jim began his work life in the Air Force as an Intelligence Collection Officer and holds a Master of Science in Systems Management, from University of Southern California.
Your Story
What was your time like in the military and what lessons did you take from it to translate to civilian life?
Master of Science in Systems Management
We talk a lot different theories and methodologies on this show, one being the agile methodology, you talk about system theory – tell me about that
Theories aren’t Scary
The map is not the terrain – explain that for me
Contact Jim:

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
125: Majic for Life with Michael A. Johnson
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Michael A. Johnson is a Life coach, Master NLP Practitioner, and Peak Performance trainer on a journey of internal progression that will help you get Motivated, be Response-Able, and Be-Live every day. He is the host of the Majic for Life Podcast and here to talk about his journey to entrepreneurship, personal development, emotional mastery, and a LifeR mentality.
· Your background
· How did dance prepare you for entrepreneurship
· Be-live
· Physical and Mental preparation
· Mindset for personal development
· how does someone find their "Super Power"?
· You speak about emotional approach to enrepreneurship
· What does this mean?

Monday Oct 05, 2020
124: Born an Entrepreneur with guest Taylor Ryan
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Taylor Ryan is a self proclaimed “Start-up Junkie” from the United states who is currently calling Copenhagen, Denmark home. Taylor has spent most of my life working in, co-founding, and consulting for small companies and startups. He specializes in helping companies with B2C, B2B, Mobile Apps, marketing, digital transformation, consulting, and their corporate innovation.
Building blocks we had when we were younger
As a “Start-up junkie” Where does your drive and want to be an entrepreneur come from
So what prompted the move to Denmark?
What is growth hacking?
So much of Marketing and story telling – what if I’m not a good story teller?
It’s amazing how many businesses still do business by Word of mouth and in some industries door knocking It’s easy to think of innovation in the tech field, but how can the everyday mom and pop take advantage of the internet
Mico-Learning What is micro-learning?
Team Management I talk a lot about lists and personal management
Follow Ryan:

Saturday Oct 03, 2020
123: Growing up with Goals, Guest Christopher Edwards
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Christopher Edwards is a former college athlete turned entrepreneur. He is the current CEO of Presidential Exteriors a three time top 500 home remodeling company and currently in top 155 in the Country – seeing a 178% increase in revenue growth since they opened their doors in 2015. Welcome into the Inovare Podcast, my little brother – Christopher Edwards.
1. Your Story
2. How did sports prepare you for entrepreneurship
3. Intrapreneurship at a large company
4. Why did you leave?
5. Leadership methods, do you use any?
6. Piece of advise for someone starting out
Follow Christopher:
Listen to the podcast:
#VideoPodcast #entrepreneurship #BusinessPodcast

Saturday Oct 03, 2020
122: Upgrade Yourself: Agile Methodology with Shanikqua Tucker
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
In this episode we explore Agile Methodology, which is the framework of software development. It develops in a CICD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Development) mindset, meaning developers are constantly attempting to better the software and update the roll out. So, what if we could take this methodology and place it into our everyday lives, to better ourselves?
Shanikqua Tucker is a former a proud veteran of the United States Army Reserves with 12 years of experience as an Intelligence Analyst. She transitions into civilian life – with a focus on Cybersecurity and is a Certified Agile Institute Scrum Master. She has been working within the information technology and network security and compliance industry for more than 13 years.
1. What's Your Story
2. What was your time like in the military and what lessons did you take from it to translate to civilian life?
3. How does the military promote teamwork?
4. What is leading from the front?
5. What is Agile Methodology?
6. Have you used Agile in your personal life? I broke out stand ups into personal discussions with myself
7. How have you innovated yourself?

Monday Sep 14, 2020
121: Innovating Politics Guest Spike Cohen
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Today we are talking about something that shaped our country – that being politics. What you might now know – or might not remember – is many of our founding fathers were entrepreneurs and business owners, inventors – in fact some call George Washington America’s first entrepreneur.
While we are no longer dumping tea into the harbor – at least not last I checked – our politics are again being shaped by the entrepreneur and the road to the oval office has become one of innovation.
Today we talk about waffle house, a badger, wearing boots on your head and free ponies for everyone as we sit down with Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee Spike Cohen and talk about how entrepreneurship shaped his road to politics.
Jeremy "Spike" Cohen is an American activist, entrepreneur, and podcaster. Spike built up a technology and web design company, ultimately selling his web design business, and turning his focus to libertarian activism. He is the current Vice Presidential Nominee of the Liberbertarian Party.

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
120: The Law of Attraction with Guest Erin Searfus
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Erin J. Searfus is an ever-evolving, constantly unfolding cre-a-trix, entrepreneur and leader. Her purpose is to ignite radical generosity, infuse love and ex-po-nen-tialize joy. Born and raised in the East Bay, she moved to San Francisco and spent a two year stint in Cambodia where she served good times on island time. In January 2020, Erin founded the company Koine with the intention to help solve all the worlds biggest problems through a foundation of connection and communication. Erin’s first book is in the works and her poet alter ego, the Girl with the Pink Bow, can be seen at her monthly global event Poetry to See. Erin embraces the abundance mindset and is here to talk about visualization, gratefulness and the Law of Attraction.